Friday, April 3, 2020

Browns Tooting For Tutoring

Browns Tooting For TutoringCleveland Browns Tutoring is the ideal solution for those who are too busy to travel or wish to learn new skills while they are away from home. The program has been established to help athletes, managers and coaches stay on top of their game by providing individualized attention and practice sessions for individual coaches. Browns coaches want to achieve maximum success in their jobs and this requires constant communication with their players. Many athletes that come into the NFL as rookies never make it through the draft because of their performance as well as their lack of performance during pre-season games.A coach should never rely upon a singular tutor or trainer. Each and every player, whether it is a rookie or an established veteran, is different. They all have their own unique personality and sports background. It takes a special mentor to build the relationships necessary for success in Cleveland Browns coaching. Browns Tooting for tutoring helps a thletes and their coaches build a close bond that can only be achieved through a personal relationship with the tutors.Football is an intense sport that demands a great deal of focus and motivation from the player. Players need a firm base from the coach to achieve their full potential. Sports coaches that have extensive experience with other teams are more effective than sports coaches without experience. Therefore, when taking Browns Tooting for tutoring it is crucial to choose a coach with experience.When taking on a tutor to help a young person with academic problems, it is important to ensure that he is properly credentialed. For example, if a coach has a Bachelors degree from an accredited college, it is much more likely that the student will be able to meet his goal of passing the minimum grade requirement to continue to improve. To avoid confusion, Browns Tooting for tutoring will require a secure email address, a phone number and a fax number. This information is needed to verify that the tutor is affiliated with a college.Browns Tooting for tutoring is an excellent option for busy parents who wish to encourage their child's athletic success. It is easy to sign up for Browns Tooting for tutoring as there is no cost for participation. Parents simply sign up their child for Browns Tooting for tutoring, download the schedule and start coaching today. Young people will discover the immediate benefits in their life when they learn how to practice and improve their talents without losing any sleep or being at the mercy of harsh rules from school.Browns Tooting for tutoring allows both parents and children to get together and learn from a highly qualified, experienced coach. Many professionals also include basketball and tennis to their programs and parents would love to send their children to the next level. Browns Tooting for tutoring makes this possible by providing a non-competitive environment where parents can see their child take their first steps on the road to success. A Cleveland Browns program is the perfect way to enhance the image of the coach and the sport.Cleveland Browns Tooting for tutoring is a unique concept that helps coaches and parents alike, regardless of age and fitness level. Browns Tooting for tutoring will provide professionals with a platform from which to enhance their knowledge and confidence and create a positive, fun atmosphere. The Browns Tooting for tutoring program provides a unique platform for individuals to improve themselves and their lives and also to develop an excellent professional relationship.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

How An Online Science Tutor Makes Science Learning Fun For Kids

How An Online Science Tutor Makes Science Learning Fun For Kids It is a proven fact that when students are taught the fun way. They show a measurable improvement in their exam performances. This is primarily because their cognitive functions are way better when taught in a stress free manner. This enables them to grasp the underlying theories and concepts. Today, there are numerous techniques and modern learning methodologies. Methodologies that are being employed to help students with their academics. Online tutors employ technology to the fullest extent possible in order to reach out to students. It helps them fare better in their studies. Here are the top 3 ways an online science tutor can make science learning extremely interesting and fun. Conduct simple experiments to enable understanding Science is perhaps the one area when teachers can come up with various ideas to teach students. Experiments are a cool way to engage the attention of kids. For instance, if you wish to teach the concept of say atmospheric pressure and how we measure it and so on. You can devise a simple experiment or a project and help students build a barometer using a few simple everyday items. Items such as a plastic bottle, a couple of pencils, a bowl and some clay, colours and markers. Building a barometer of these is quite simple and as kids get to do it. They’ll understand the underlying concept of how a barometer works. Based on the curriculum, make a list of experiments to learn new concepts and get the students to work on it every week. This is sure to help them with their homework and is also the best science homework help there is! Take real life examples and explain concepts Getting kids to think isn’t as difficult as one might think. Getting hold of real life situations and asking them questions about it. This is a sure way to get them thinking. Also, when a person explains using real world scenarios, it is easy for them to relate to. For instance, asking a child as to how a ball rolls down a slope would get him/her thinking and it becomes easier to explain how it actually happens. As opposed to talking to them in technical jargon and confusing them with inclined planes and forces, starting with a simple scenario that they are sure to have witnessed not only piques their curiosity but also helps them understand better. Set aside one day for fun activities One session a week should focus on hands on learning. Either conduct a quiz or ask them to work on some project or get them to read something before class and then ask questions or devise activities that test their learning of it. Asking children to write down the things they’ve learnt in their own words is a good method to gauge their understanding and identify their problem areas. It also helps them understand better as they try to piece together their thoughts on the topic at hand. Similarly, there are many science apps that are available on various platforms such as Android and iOS that are extremely helpful in making science a fun and easy concept to learn for kids. Parents too can utilize these tools to help their children explore science. Instead of looking for science assignment help, they can look up these apps and help their children focus and learn better. Summary Technology today plays an important role in education and online tutors are exploring various avenues to employ technology to help children learn better. Devising experiments and providing hands on experience are some of the newer methods of learning and they have proven to be very successful as they help children learn things by doing it themselves and this has been the time tested way to learn most effectively.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Top Resources to Develop Your Growth Mindset.

Top Resources to Develop Your Growth Mindset. Leave Behind Your Fixed Mindset with these Growth Mindset Resources. ChaptersWhat Can Online Resources Do to Help Your Growth Mindset?The Best Resources to Develop Your Growth Mindset.We’ve all by now heard about growth mindset, an aspect of the theory of intelligence offered by the Stanford University  professor, Carol Dweck. If you haven’t, you can find plenty of details about the difference between growth mindset and fixed mindset in our series, Why You Need to Know about Growth Mindset. Briefly put, according to Dweck, all of us sit on a continuum between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. These poles are characterised by a fundamental difference in beliefs about the origins of intelligence â€" and in the attitudes to life and learning that these different beliefs produce.If we believe that we intelligence is something that is innate and unchangeable, Dweck would say we have a fixed mindset. If we believe that intelligence, rather, is something that can be grown and developed, we have a growth mindset.And whilst we might think we believe on e or the other, this doesn’t really mean anything: the important element of mindset is that it can be seen primarily through our actions, our reactions to things like failure, and our larger behaviours in educational contexts. Not in our conscious beliefs.See our definition of growth mindset!Why We Educate for a Growth Mindset.For educators and for teachers, particularly in the UK, the theory behind the fixed and the growth mindsets has become incredibly important.This is because, in Dweck’s studies, the growth mindset emerged as one of the most important elements that increased the chances of student success. According to the theory, by inculcating into students a growth mindset â€" rather than a fixed mindset â€" student outcomes are more likely to improve.If you believe that intelligence is something that can always be developed further, if you believe that effort is more important than ‘natural talent’, and if you reckon that challenges are just opportunities for further growth, you are more likely to strive to achieve your goals. The alternative, the fixed mindset, is to set limits upon yourself due to your belief in your innate, unchangeable ability.And so, from classroom to classroom and curriculum to curriculum all over the country, the growth mindset is informing lesson plans and resources for teachers. And from instructional strategies to teaching tips, the internet is full of teaching materials to help the educator to bring the growth mindset to student learning.Yet, you don’t need to be a school-teacher yourself to benefit from the teaching resources and classroom resources that focus on the growth mindset. Rather, if you are looking to develop your growth mindset for purposes of professional development, adult learning, or just because, you can benefit from these research-based pedagogical tools, these teaching resources, and these classroom strategies.Here are some of the resources to develop your growth mindset â€" no matter where you are in life. Because that, after all, is the whole point in Dweck’s theory.Do you know the difference between growth mindset and fixed mindset? Develop your growth mindset in the classroom. TraceyPersonal development Teacher 4.93 (9) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AntonellaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors IsamPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CarriePersonal development Teacher £24/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndriyPersonal development Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MichelePersonal development Teacher 4.73 (7) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlloydPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat Can Online Resources Do to Help Your Growth Mindset?Learning is not just about an accumulation of information. It’s not just about learning new practical skills, theories, or ideas.No, learning is about developing yourself â€" and tea ching about developing another â€" into a fully-fledged, competent person who is able to learn continually by themselves.This is what the resources on the growth mindset can do for you, whether you are learning maths and literacy in the classroom or whether you are aiming for professional growth at work or more broadly in life. These growth mindset resources can help you to change the way you think â€" and can help you move away from a fixed mindset.But it is not about just convincing you that you are not determined by your innate ability. Rather, it is about changing your attitude to learning, to success and failure, and to your ability to take risks.Mindset is not the easiest thing to change. However, these resources will support you in every aspect of your development of a growth mindset. Now, let’s take a look at the best resources out there â€" so that you can get started.The Best Resources to Develop Your Growth Mindset.So, here are the internet’s best resources for growth mindset development. From quick videos to resources for the classroom, from strategies with which to reach your learning goals to webinars â€" and a host of other resources besides â€" we hope you find them as useful as we did ourselves.Good luck in developing your growth mindset!First, Watch Carol Dweck’s Ted Talk on Mindsets.The best place to start when looking into the world of the growth mindset is Carol Dweck’s TED Talk, ‘The power of believing that you can improve’. Watched by nearly ten million people, Dweck’s video is the perfect introduction to the theory of the mindsets â€" and it will get you understanding what is at stake in its application and growth.She frames the question under discussion in the most simple of terms: if you have reach a problem, what will you think about its difficulty? Are you just not smart enough to solve it, or have you just not managed to yet?This difference is the fundamental difference between the mindsets â€" and it is to embrace th e latter perspective that all of these resources will aid. Develop your growth mindset with us.Head to Mindset Works for Lifelong Learning Resources.Mindset Works is one of the biggest dedicated suppliers of growth mindset resources online, offering free teaching resources â€" and paid subscription plans â€" for early childhood teachers, for school programs, and for the development of a growth mindset in later life too.They have resources on goal setting, the best way to introduce topics in the classroom to best engage students and get the best out of them, and for effective teaching more generally.Check Out Mindset Kit for Heaps of Resources on Growth Mindset.Whilst Mindset Works is the more famous of the mindset centres online, Mindset Kit has been developed by the Project for Education Research that Scales, a centre for research at Stanford University.The underpinning elements of their pedagogy are three: a growth mindset, belonging, and purpose and relevance â€" the three formative elements to be developed to ensure student engagement an d attainment. These elements are all developed through their education resources and teaching strategies.Mindset Kit have quite a considerable library to which many people can upload educational resources. From blog posts on different types of mistakes to strategies for formative assessment, from engaging animations to scenarios and handouts â€" there is plenty to learn from.Find Growth Mindset Resources at Big Life Journal.The Big Life Journal is a blog run by two American parents. And when it comes to sharing secret resources for teaching and for learning the growth mindset, they do a really excellent job.They have a page on their site crammed full of different resources for growth mindset education and professional learning. They’ve actually done an incredibly good job of scouring the internet and the real world beyond for all of the best sites and texts for mindset theory.Whether you are interested in the child mind and its neuroplasticity, or you want to know about the best w ays to praise and receive praise, this may be the best place for you.Explore Edutopia’s Massive Collection of Growth Mindset Resources.Founded actually by George Lucas, Edutopia is a hugely effective online education portal that offers training in everything from classroom management to school leadership.It also has a considerable selection of resources for learning about and cultivating a growth mindset â€" with resources on Dweck’s theory of growth mindset itself to plans and strategies for subject-specific problems.It too gives a lot of attention to the problem on praising â€" a key element in growth mindset theory â€" and offers a load of resources on facing challenges, perseverance, and grit. Teach your child a growth mindset from an early age.Take Courses, Workshops, and Tutorials on Growth Mindset from Inner Drive, Udemy, and Coursera.As we have seen, the internet is full of different opportunities and resources for turning a fixed mindset into a growth mindset. And whilst the overwhelming number of these are for teachers and students, everyone else can use them to develop their own ways to improve their growth mindset too.However, there are plenty of resources for people outside of the educational system to learn about the growth mindset too. With all sorts of online courses and workshops, there is no excuse for anyone to stick with their fixed mindset for too long.The big professional development and online learning platforms â€" such as Udemy, Coursera, and Inner Drive â€" have many courses and tutorials on growth mindset. So, if you’re looking to change your mindset a little, this is the best place to start.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

These Podcasts Will Change the Way you Learn German.

These Podcasts Will Change the Way you Learn German. Why Learn German Using Podcasts? Radio Shows Make German Courses Fun. ChaptersWhy Learn German by Podcast?Best Podcasts for Learning GermanGerman Lessons with Slow GermanLearn with German LingQLearn German Survival PhrasesLearn German by PodcastLearn How to Speak German with German Pod 101Immerse Yourself in German with the SBS PodcastsHow to Learn German with Coffee Break GermanLearning German with Radio DProfessionals, Learn the Language with Marktplatz Business GermanLearn German with Current Affairs through News in Slow GermanLearn German through YouTubeFor the Pros: The Podcasts that Native Speakers Listen To.ConclusionWe all know that learning a language  like German is never an easy ride! The pronunciation in German, for one thing, doesn't come easily to all of us - nor the grammar.However, if you are struggling, there is no need to worry. Nowadays, there are so many ways to improve your knowledge and fluency in German.  It's so easy to just get yourself a German tutor or subscribe to Rosetta Stone - and there are many ways to get to grips with German online.On the other hand, you should still always be looking for different ways of engaging with the German language. By this we mean gaining exposure to the spoken sound of German, the different accents, and the cultural references that German speakers deploy.Listening to podcasts is a great technique  for this - and we figured it might be helpful to help you find the best ones around.Watch their podcasts to make learning German easy! (Source: Survival Phrases German)The podcasts are held in a variety of languages, so wherever you may be across the globe, you can watch these podcasts to learn German online fast! Not only will you learn essential phrases for your time in Germany, but these podcasts will also give you an insight into the German culture, as wherever you travel to, you'll always face some culture clashes.How does it work?Survival Phrases German only hire qualified German teachers to carry out the podcasts, they have either grown up in Germany or have experienced Germany, for example, maybe they completed a Year Abroad there. The podcasts not only cover essential phrases in German, but they also cover a lot of vital information that text books forget to add in.After you have watched each podcast, you can ask questions regarding the German phrases or any queries you may have. Your questions will then be answered in the following podcasts!Discover  German learning websites  online here.Learn German by PodcastAre you a beginner looking to learn German fast?  Learn German by podcast offer beginners the basic understanding of the German language. The podcasts are native German speakers who act out a scene. With each podcast, you'll get the full transcript of the podcast, the vocabulary list and new exercises to try!  Learning German is becoming easier with the help of Learn German By Podcast!Unfortunately, these podcasts come at a price. You can opt to choose to listen to the samples to gauge whether or not these podcasts are for you. However, a ll good things do come at a price, so let's make this one worth it!Learn How to Speak German with German Pod 101German Pod 101 tailor to your German needs! Whether you're a beginner starting from scratch or are an intermediate German speaker, you can watch podcasts according to your level.They also offer different courses depending on what you want to get out of your language. So, whether it is business German you are after or German for studying, you'll find the course that suits you.Check out these podcasts to have an insight into real German phrases (Source: German Pod 101)Throw away your boring old German text books and grammar exercises, German Pod 101 are here to help. You can learn German easily with the help of fun and interesting podcasts that are spoken by a native speaker.These podcasts are also related to the German culture. They are cool and effective. You'll notice your proficiency in German will quickly improve.  Jam packed with many interesting and fun podcasts, Coff ee Break German will assist you with becoming a pro at German! (Source: Coffee Break German)The idea is that using Coffee Break German feels like you've just sat down in a cafe with your German mate: it's intended to be as relaxed, stressless, and casual as possible. Honestly, you may well find yourself sitting down for a coffee, plugging your headphones in, and learning a language whilst taking your break. It's a pretty good way to do it!Whilst audio versions of each podcast are available, Coffee Break German works best if you  watch it too. The video has flashcards and explanations too - and a visual cue is always welcome.And a Flavour of GermanThe same people that do Coffee Break German also do another fun podcast. This one has slightly shorter episodes and follows the same format, but the focus is slightly different.Rather than learning German grammar and the structure of the language, you'll rather be exposed to key phrases, idiomatic expressions, and cultural references.This i s more about immersing you in the culture of Germany - and the sides of the language that you probably won't learn anywhere else.If you use it in conjunction with Coffee Break German, you are onto a winner.Learning German with Radio DRadio D features Paula and Phillipp who are journalists who travel around Germany. These podcasts are nothing like the others. Rather, they narrate a story, through which you are exposed to new linguistic points in German.They are fun and mysterious - and the podcasts have a lot of humorous elements and are extremely interactive. Not only will you improve your level in German - but you'll actually enjoy it too.Looking to learn German the fun way? Check out these free podcasts on iTunes! (Source: Radio D)These podcasts are available for download on iTunes and don't have a direct website. So, download these podcasts onto your smart phone or tablet and get started with improving your level in German fast! Discover other German learning apps, here.If you're stuck and don't understand some of the podcasts, an English speaking host is available for help!Learn German with these free podcasts! (Source: Radio D)Professionals, Learn the Language with Marktplatz Business GermanThis is the place to come for those of you looking to learn German for business purposes. If you are trying to enter into the German market or you have to go to Germany for work, Marktplatz Business German will give you the vocabulary required for all your professional needs.Alongside the podcast, there is extensive written material too - all with diagrams, clearly explained grammatical points, and vocab lists - to help you get the most out of your learning.The creators, Deutsche Welle, have a range of different podcasts too. So, if you are not a businessperson, you can find plenty of other options with them.Learn German with Current Affairs through News in Slow GermanThis is a hugely innovative way to learn a language. No more of listening to characters talk through i ncreasingly improbable scenarios. News in Slow German does something quite different: it condenses current affairs into weekly podcasts that explain the news in German - spoken slowly.However, it isn't so slow that you forget the beginning of the sentence before you reach the end. Rather, all the content is spoken very naturally - but in such a way as to be manageable for the listener.  Learn about Venezuela, or the French president, in German - and be exposed to authentic content that isn't just designed for the language learner.If it sounds a bit intimidating, don't worry. Every series is followed by a grammar and vocab section, so that you can catch up on anything that you missed.  Learn German through YouTubeIf none of these podcasts appeal, then there is always that great educational resource, YouTube, to fall back on.You can find videos on almost any subject you can imagine on this world's biggest video sharing site - and they needn't all be cat videos, pranks, or Rick Astley. Some of the best videos for learning German are by Get Germanized, the Language Channel, or Learn Out Live. These channels all offer long series of German lessons, covering the basics of German grammar, key German vocabulary, and listening, speaking, and reading exercises - all interspersed with cultural references and points to make the your learning that little bit more entertaining.Whilst YouTube doesn't host  podcasts strictly, videos are really just podcasts with visuals - so you might find them in even more useful!For the Pros: The Podcasts that Native Speakers Listen To.At a certain point, you'll outdo the possibilities that podcasts for language learners can offer. You'll have to then bump up your practice and do what the Germans do. (And, by the way, that's listening to proper podcasts designed for German listeners.)This might be a little intimidating for those who are beginners. However, just as people suggest listening to the radio in a foreign language, or watching movie s or the television - to get a sense of German used in authentic contexts - you can think the same of podcasts.It's pretty easy to track these down, as, believe it or not, Germans use things like iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, and YouTube to download or stream their own digital content too. At the time of writing (April 2019), on iTunes, the following podcasts are leading the download charts:Gemischtes Hack - a comedy show by Felix Lobrecht and Tommi Schmitt. These guys call it 'the most influential podcast in Europe', but maybe that's their own little hyperbole. They discuss whatever happened that week in their own lives and in politics, and it mixes humour with serious political themes. A challenging one, but a German favourite.Verbrechen  - translated as 'crime' (but you probably knew this), this is a podcast from the newspaper,  Die Zeit.  As its name suggests, it deals with the theme of crime, asking ethical - and practical - questions about those who commit and those who suffer crimes.Hotel Matze  - this podcast interviews different people and asks them about their lives, their motivations, and their personal histories.Lage der Nation -  der Politik-Podcast aus Berlin  - Lage der Nation is hosted by a journalist, Philip Banse, and an activist, Ulf Buermeyer, and they discuss the political events of the week in their weekly podcast. One of the most highly regarded political podcasts in Germany - and a winner of multiple awards - this is a really great way to nail your German whilst learning about the world around you.Steingart Morning Briefing â€" Der Podcast  - Gabor Steingart is a journalist and author - and now podcaster - who writes and talks about politics and economics. This is another very popular one, and it's released daily.If you are understanding these, you may as well clap yourself on the back and call yourself fluent!ConclusionThroughout this article we have seen that listening to German podcasts is the perfect way to improve your level in the language, you can have fun in an interactive way.  You can pause the podcast when you feel like it and pick up from where you left off later on.Listening to podcasts featuring German native speakers give you an insight into what to expect when you visit Germany.  German is by far one of the most difficult languages out there, but with the help with watching podcasts, you'll be able to improve your level in no time! Source Via Visual HuntYou can listen to these anywhere and everywhere, there is no pressure and you can learn German at your own pace,  with no homework!  It's now time to devote yourself to making learning German a hobby and not a chore! Discover the best translation tools for learning German.Why not take German lessons with a private tutor to help you progress faster?

Introverts How to Know If a Companys Culture Is for You - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Introverts How to Know If a Companys Culture Is for You - Introvert Whisperer Introverts: How to Know If a Companys Culture Is for You Workplace burnout. We’re all prone to it, but since the most widely accepted definition of burnout is “an individual’s response to chronic emotional and interpersonal stressors within the workplace,” you can see why introverts may have been dealt an unfair hand of workplace burnout issues. Thankfully, companies and their cultures have been slowly shifting to be more aware and inclusive of their introverted employees’ needs so burnout doesn’t become an HR nightmare. As an introvert seeking employment, how do you know if a particular company complements your personality? If you have been questioning your career decision, here are a few things that will typically tip off an introvert’s warning system: Open air cubicles and glass-only conference rooms (vulnerable to attack by small talk) An expectation to participate in daily cheers or challenges (or anything else that could be deemed a waste of time or unnecessary to one’s productivity) Brainstorming sessions (introverts are always internally brainstorming anyway) Bragging about this year’s company retreat full of fun team-building activities (a HARD no) Ask Smart Questions and Listen for Silent Answers When it’s time to dig deeper into company culture, it’s time to pull out the big questions and spur a few moments of thoughtful reflection that may not happen otherwise. Questions such as the following are sure to work (you may need to finesse the wording a bit as to not come across as stingy or cranky): Are all of these mandatory meetings really necessary and actually accomplishing your goals as an employer? Am I expected to participate in (and be happy about) games, skits, exercises, or entertainment and amusement of any variety? Is quiet productivity valued or must I announce everything I do over the loudspeaker in order to be noticed, valued, and promoted? Do you realize that introverts often have brilliant ideas and strategies and can even be amazing managing and leaders if given the opportunity? When listening to the answers, do what introverts do bestobserve and listen for the silent answers. They’re the little things many others don’t even notice, that are painfully obvious to most introverts. Natural at exhibiting heightened observational skills, there are some downsides to this introvert “superpower.” Higher stress levels, overstimulation, an inability to relax, always reading between the lines, constantly thinking, and feeling too deeply are common side effects of intense awareness. By channeling that observational tendency, you’ll be able to tell pretty quickly if a company’s culture is going to be a good fit. Did you catch the co-worker’s eye roll? Did you hear a pause? Did you see that finger twitch? Did you notice nervousness? Yes, the introvert did. Declare (Quietly) Your Right to Peacefully Coexist with Extroverts It’s not like an extrovert-centric workplace was purposely created just to exclude introvertsit’s just what happens sometimes as a byproduct of our nation’s extrovert-rewarded culture. However, you don’t need to stay silent when you feel uncomfortable nor should you assume everyone should already know what type of actions and inactions you prefer. Be politely vocal about how you (and others like you) would like to be considered when office culture and expectations are the topics of discussion. For example, can some communique take place over email and text rather than by sudden cubicle pop-ins? Can certain activities, or at least the level of involvement in them, be optional? Can there be more flexibility with remote work? Can productivity-based metrics be on equal footing with engagement-based metrics? Can employee training programs include training for how introverts and extroverts can better work alongside each other? Take a Deep Breath and Accept Imperfection The fact is, no company culture is perfect for introvertsthat’s why so many work alone from home (or would at least prefer to if given the option). The standard of what makes a true introvert feel comfortable and most productive can be so narrow that it is difficult for even the most introvert-aware company to accommodate fully. If you find yourself at the point where everything and everyone are driving you to the brink of burnout or breakdown, you know it’s time to take a step back and take a deep breath. If left alone 100% of the time, hermit-ism will soon set in. As good as that may sound at times, you know better. Being alone is lonely and introverts usually experience too much loneliness as it is. So, since you don’t want to extricate yourself from the world, you must accept its imperfections, which includes company culture. After you’ve aligned yourself with a company that is aware of and accepting of introverts and you have spoken up for yourself, it may be time to swallow your pride and allow yourself to thrive regardless of the surrounding extroverts. Besides, teamwork may even be good for you (even though you don’t want to admit it)! Author Bio: Annabelle Smyth is a freelance writer who covers everything from HR to technology and team building. Her most recent work involves partnership marketing with CMOE where she has had the opportunity to learn about the relationship between leadership and successful businesses. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

How to Strum a Guitar A Beginners First Lesson

How to Strum a Guitar A Beginners First Lesson Megan L. Yearning to learn to strum a tune? Guitar teacher Kirk R.  shares a perfect first lesson in strumming a guitar Most of the songs that my guitar students want to learn consist largely, if not completely, of strummed chords. While most students are able to pick up both simple and more complicated rhythms, or strumming patterns, often I notice that beginners have a hard time keeping track of where the beat is and really getting into the groove of the song. It’s also  common that I see musicians of all levels who have a difficult time coming up with new strumming patterns of their own. I have a simple system that I introduce to students with either of these problems and have seen a lot of improvement on both fronts. Lets get started! How to Strum a Guitar Getting Started Make sure that you have some blank paper, something to write with, and your instrument handy. For those of you who are used to reading rhythmic notation (quarter notes and eighth notes), begin by writing four quarter notes down, with some space in between. If you’re not really comfortable reading note rhythms, go ahead and draw four down arrows. Now pick your favorite chord (or just start with open strings) and strum four even chords, all with down strokes. It’s important that throughout this exercise, you keep all your strumming even. Those down arrows or quarter notes represent those four chords that you just played. How to Strum a Guitar Up Strokes and Down Strokes If you watch closely as you strum through the first exercise, you should notice that between each strum, your hand does something very simple, but very important. After each down stroke, before the next, your hand must come back up! I call this  the “silent up stroke.” If we were to draw these into our note/arrow diagram, it might look like this: The idea of the “silent strum” is important in keeping track of the groove and coming up with your own strumming patterns using this system. You should follow this silent strum visually and make sure that you’re keeping your hand moving consistently, not pausing after each strum before the return. Now we can go onto to turning the silent strum into a real strum, so you’ll have four down strokes, each followed by a slightly less accented (a bit quieter) up stroke. We can draw this into our diagram either with up arrows after each down, or with an eighth note between each of what were quarter notes. Since your hand has already been doing the motion, it should be a small step to just lower your fingers or pick down onto the strings. From here, write down a full cycle of strums (four downs and four ups). Now, let’s cross off a couple of our up strokes: It doesn’t really matter which ones you cross off, but the idea is to just try out what’s on the page. The pattern above would be strummed with a down stroke, “silent” up stroke, down stroke, “silent” up stroke, down, up, down, up. While this may seem like a limited approach, when you start crossing off a combination of down and up strokes, the results can be very original. One thing to note, is that if you have a down stroke and an up stroke both crossed off next to each other, it will seem silly to do the two “silent” strokes back to back. When first trying it out, do that extra motion, however silly it seems. The physical motion is useful to keep time and the groove. Once you have a good grasp on it, you can do away with the full “silent” strokes, but I still find it useful to make a small motion on my strumming hand, like a miniature “silent” stroke, just to attach a movement to the rhythm. While you’re practicing these, as well as applying them when writing a song, just continue repeating the pattern without pause. I like to start with four beats, with a down strum on each, but you can add variation in the number of beats as well as where your “silent strums” are. Understanding Guitar Strum Patterns This is an easy way to come up with your own original strumming patterns, but what if you’re not really into writing your own songs? If you just want a good visual way to better understand the strumming patterns that you hear in your favorite songs. First try listening to the song and tapping your foot along with it. How many beats do you hear grouped together? In the majority of songs you hear, the beats will be grouped in threes or fours, so that’s a good starting place. From there, try just playing air guitar along with it, with a down strum on the strong beats and see where you hear the chords in the song. Try writing these down and playing from your notes a few days later, without first listening to the song. Does it sound right? Being able to look at and write down these patterns will help ingrain them in a different part of your brain and give you a better understanding of where the strong beats are at while you’re playing them. If you have any questions or ideas on how to expand this lesson, post a comment below or click the Ask-A-Question button on my profile. Happy strumming! Post Author:  Kirk R. Kirk is a classical, bass, and acoustic guitar instructor in Denver, CO. He earned a  bachelors of music in Guitar performance at The College-Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati and he is currently pursuing a masters degree in performance.   Learn more about Kirk  here! Photo by Matt Preston Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

6 Best Summer Math Activities How to Stay Smart Have Fun - Private Tutoring

6 Best Summer Math Activities How to Stay Smart Have Fun Amy W Jul 19, 2018 Find the Best Math Tutor Near You! It's Simple and Secure - Get Real Results Fast. Find Expert Private Tutors at Reasonable Rates Today! InPerson or Online Online InPerson Been thinking about some fun summer math activities to add into the day?   Math games and activities shouldn’t be reserved for the classroom. In fact, you can have a ton of educational fun with your children over the summer break. Best of all?   You don’t need to spend money on fancy games, all of these games can be created with objects you have lying around the house. The great things about these math games is that you can adapt them to any age group, meaning you can play the same game with the whole family! Fun Summer Math Activities 1. Shape Twister The good thing about this game is that it has the potential to entertain children for hours. The game is played much like the traditional game of Twister, but uses basic mathematical shapes. You can prepare the game yourself or get children to help you (thus keeping them busy for even longer). This is how you do it: Draw large basic shapes on paper, colored or plain is fine â€" the focus is on shapes. You will need four of each of the six shapes (these can vary depending on knowledge, but some good ideas are square, circle, triangle, diamond, pentagon and rectangle). Arrange the pieces of paper together to create a playing surface. Create a spinning board. Using some strong cardboard, divide it into four sections (one for each hand and each foot). In each segment draw each shape. These must be in circle formation so the spinner can definitively point to a shape. Use another piece of strong cardboard to cut an arrow shape. Fasten it to the board at the center with a paper fastener. Play! Children take it in turns to play and to be the spinner. The spinner reads the instruction aloud for the players to follow, for example, ‘right hand on square’. The winner is the player who doesn’t fall over! 2. Memory Matching Game Help children improve their recognition, matchmaking and memory skills with this homemade memory game. Start by taking some photos of various objects and people. Print out the photos, ensuring you have double of each image. Glue the photos onto card or have them laminated. How to play: Shuffle the cards (the photos) and lay them face down in a grid pattern â€" no peeking! Players take it in turns to flip over two cards. If they match, they keep the pair and have another turn. If not, they flip the cards back over and it is the next player’s turn. Keep playing until all cards have been paired up and the player with the most pairs wins! 3. Bottle Toss This game is just like many games you see at carnivals! Collect a bunch of bottles and fill them with water to make them more stable. Write different numbers on each of the lids â€" vary these depending on your child’s ability and whether you are focusing on addition or multiplication. Cluster the bottles together and use plastic rings, perhaps bangles, to toss over the top of the bottles. Give children a challenge such as ‘add to 20’ or ‘multiply to 60’. Children aim at various numbers to create a successful equation. The first person to achieve the challenge wins! 4. Pitch, Hit and Graph Enjoy the outdoors with your kids and have some educational fun! This activity is geared towards baseball, but you could adapt it to any sport you like. It can be played with any number of people, but the more people you have the more more data you will get, creating more graphing options. This makes a great challenge for older children. Set up distance targets and pitch the ball to your kid. For each hit, record the distance using pen and paper. Convert the data to a graph â€" try line graphs, bar graphs and pie charts. Don’t forget to have your child pitch to you and record you scores! 5. Mathematical Tic-Tac-Toe Turn this classic game into a educational math activity. Use nine squares of paper for the tic-tac-toe grid. Write several math problems or equations on the squares and arrange in a grid pattern face down. Each player has their own small stack of cards, or paper, with either an ‘X’ or an ‘O’. They take it in turns to flip the paper in the grid, choose a problem and answer it. If answered correctly, they replace the piece of paper with their own, thus placing and ‘X’ or an ‘O’ in its place. The aim is to create three successful sheets in a row! 6. Playing Card Math Everyone has a deck of cards lying around, so dig them out and play this math game. Remove the King, Queen, Jack and Joker cards, and explain that ace cards are equal to one. Shuffle the remaining cards and then place nine cards in a 33 grid pattern. Ask you child to look for any combination of cards that add up to a particular number. Once they have identified the cards remove them, and replace them with new cards from the pack. If no combinations are available, remove all nine and replace them. Keep playing until the deck is complete. For older children, give them a number and allow them to reach it using any way possible. For example, to reach six they might use 34-5-1 to get rid of as many cards as possible. Make it a two player game and have the children alternate turns, the person who collects the most cards is the winner. Games are great ways to get kids working their brains, decreasing summer learning loss and staying on top of all that they learned in school.   In addition, by playing some summer math activities together you accomplish a few things without anyone noticing. First, youre having family or togetherness time.   Secondly, youre just having plain ole fun!   Remember that term?   The older we get the more we forget it. ??   And finally, Your kids are able to work on their math skills without realizing it.   Finding practical applications and fun with a few of these summer math activities is a great and easy way to do it! We can help you find the best online geometry tutor near you! It’s simple and secure â€" Get real results fast. Your first hour with any tutor is protected by our Good Fit Guarantee: You don't pay for tutoring unless you find a good fit. Choose Your Subject â€" Add Your Zip Code â€" Find Top Rated Tutors Starting Today! InPerson or Online Online InPerson

Using Some or Any in English - Video with Exercise

Using Some or Any in English - Video with Exercise Some or any? You probably learned this in your beginner English class but. did you learn the exceptions? Do you understand the difference in meaning? This video reviews the basic rules of some or any and also explains the exceptions to the rule.If you have been studying English for a while you understand that English has grammar rules and then has a lot of exceptions to the rules. Well like most of English some and any have exceptions.For example, you can say. Can I have some tea? Why can you say this when you know the basic grammar rule is to use any for questions? Another example: She made it home without any problems. It isnt a negative sentence and it isnt a question, but its ok to use any.Watch the video and do the exercises below to test your knowledge:Write your answers in comments, and well correct them.1. Before we leave, I have to get ______ water and my wallet. Wait a moment.2. ________ people think that drinking wine is bad for you but many studies have proven the benefit s of 2 glasses of wine every night!3. I dont have ______ children yet, but we want to have two or three eventually.4. Dont worry about going to visit the tourist sights tomorrow. _______ bus will take you to the center of  town.5. Are there ________ Mexican  restaurants in your part of town?6. What type of music do you want to listen to? Oh, __________. I just want to hear some music!7. Would you like _____ wine with your meal, sir?8. Yes, I would. Bring me _____ red wine that you have.9. Do you want _____ help with your homework?10. This was an easy exercise and I didnt make ______ mistakes! Silvia Deplano 1) somme 2) any 3) any 4)some 5)any 6) any 7)some 8) any 9)some 10)any LOIEnglish SilviaThanks for answering the questions. This is a challenging exercise with some or any.Number 2: Should be some. When we talk about groups in general we use some. For example: Some people like wine, some people dont like wine.Number 4: Any. We use any in this sentence to mean that it isnt imp ortant. You can take bus 5 or bus 105 or bus 114, all of the buses got to the city center. You can take ANY bus. Good work! If you have any more questions let me know! ali ON THANK YOU Luis Kimura cool, and simple, very nice to learn like this ali well done ali iam looking to learan english by my skype (pantly2013) Anna 1. some 2. some 3. any 4. some 5. any 6. any 7. some 8. some 9. any 10. any LOIEnglish AnnaGood work. You only had a few problems.Question #4: The correct answer is any. It is to say that all the buses travel to the center of town and it isnt important which bus you choose. You can take bus 15, or 5, or 6. ANY bus will take you there.Questions #8: The correct answer is any. It is for the same reason. ANY red wine. I hope this helps. Please contact me if you have any questions. Kika Salomao 1- some 2- some 3- any 4-some 5- any 6- some 7-some 8- some 9- any 10- any LOIEnglish Kika,You had a similar problem to many of the responses.Questions 4, 6, and 8 should all be any. It is because the type isnt important. So you are saying ANY music that the type isnt important. Marcio 1.some; 2.Some; 3.any; 4. Some; 5. any; 6. some; 7. some; 8.any; 9. any; 10. any LOIEnglish MarcioThanks for taking the time to answer the questions. It looks like you had some problems with a couple of the questions.Question #4: Correct answer is any This is to say that the exact bus isnt important that they all go to the center of town. You can take ANY bus to the town center, 15, 5, 6, they all go through the town center.Question #6: The correct answer is any. Again it is meaning that the exact type of music isnt important.I hope this helps! Lenka 1.some 2.Any 3.any 4.Some 5.any 6.some 7.some 8.some 9.some 10.any LOIEnglish LenkaGood you had a couple problems.Question #2: Should be some When we talk in general or make generalities we use some. Some people like wine. Some people dont. Some people are tall.Question #4: Correct ans wer is any In this case it means that which bus isnt important. All the buses travel to the town center. Take any bus, bus 15, or 5, or 6. They all travel to the city center.Question #6: Correct answer is any This is for the same reason. The type of music doesnt matter to the speaker. Any music. Rock, punk, jazz, any music.Question #8: Correct answer is any Again it is saying that the exact type doesnt matter. Cabernet, or Pinot, or Merlot, any red wine.I hope this helps. You seemed to have the most problems when the speaker was saying that the exact type isnt important. ana gusmao 1.some 2.some 3.any 4.any 5.any 6.any 7.any 8.any 9.any 10.some LOIEnglish Good work Ana. The only problem you had was with Question #7. A better answer is some We often use some when we are making offers in the question form especially when we expect the answer to be yes. i.g. Would you like some tea?

Parkway Schools

Parkway Schools Parkway Schools Welcome to Parkway - a district that has educated and shaped the lives of students and their families for more than 50 years! We are extremely proud of our schools, our students and staff along with our strong community. Parkway is a prestigious district in St. Louis County that is regularly at the forefront in education across the state of Missouri. Many see Parkway as not only the place to be but the school to emulate and we often serve as a benchmark for others in the state. Parkways 28 schools and Early Childhood Center are renowned for their achievements, with 17 Blue Ribbon Awards from the U.S. Department of Education and 19 Gold Star Awards from the State of Missouri. Parkway consistently ranks among the top 10 districts in Missouri on the state report card for large districts. All four traditional Parkway high schools were among countrys Best High Schools byU.S. News World Reportin 2015. Additionally, five Parkway schools are National Schools of Character - Ross Elementary, Oak Brook Elementary, McKelvey Elementary, Craig Elementary and Barretts Elementary. Parkway has consistently earned a Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting. Our residential tax rate is among one of the lowest in 23 St. Louis County districts. Parkway is one of only four school districts in Missouri to earn the Standard and Poors AAA bond rating. For the past three years, Parkway was selected as a Top 10 workplace in St. Louis by theSt. Louis Post-Dispatchbased on surveys of employees. We believe that setting higher expectations creates brighter futures. Parkway is well known for preparing students for college. Just under 90 percent of graduates go on to attend colleges and universities. Parkway is committed to promoting high achievement for each student. A comprehensive curriculum personalizes learning by offering 14 subject areas, online courses, real-world, experiential learning, English for Speakers of Other Languages, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), gifted and special education. At the high school level, there is a strong emphasis on advanced placement and honors courses. We fully expect this trend to continue and believe Parkway could be a place for you to call home. Thank you for your interest in the Parkway School District. We invite you to join us in the journey of our mission to ensure all students are capable, curious, caring and confident learners who understand and respond to the challenges of an ever-changing world. View our Brochure